WHO is MedMatch Realty Group & Our Why

WHO is MedMatch Realty Group & Our Why

Published On: February 4, 2025|Categories: Real Estate|

If you’re a Medical professional interested in the power of real estate, whether it’s making a wise buying decision when buying your first home out of med school or learning about the different ways to invest in real estate and create passive income…you’re in the right place. Thanks so much for taking the time to engage with us and to spend a little bit of time finding out why we do this!  I’m Angelica , the founder of The MedMatch Realty Group…I left a career as a critical care registered nurse to get this thing off the ground and soon my fearless teammate, community liaison, and medspouse, Sylva Zhang joined in on the mission, and finally Sam Brooks, Hospitalist extraordinaire and real estate enthusiast joined us in 2022. We’ve since grown to a team of 8 ,dedicated to working with Medical Professionals.

There are a ton of companies out there that “specialize” in working with medical professionals for the opportunity to capitalize on what they see as likely high net worth individuals.  This venture of ours started a lot differently….built on educating and working with new docs, who as we know, generally have a net worth well below ZERO.  It just so happened that when I began my real estate journey in 2019, my first three clients were Residents or Fellows and we learned A LOT together over those first few months.  I learned more about the rigors of trainee life, the feelings of insurmountable student loan debt,  the difficulties of trying to buy a home as a new doc WHILE moving across the country, the burnout that runs rampant in the profession, and the fact that New Docs don’t get training on ANY OF THIS while in med school.

I had spent my time in the hospital seeing the Residents be some of the HARDEST WORKING people around, and it didn’t seem fair that they then had to spend more time (on top of their 80+ hours/ week) to seek out this information on their own.  We decided to put together our first resource to make it a little more accessible to find the info they needed and “The New Doctor’s Guide to Buying a Home in Indianapolis” and “The MedMatch Realty Group” was born.  We distributed that guide for free to hundreds of local medical students and residents that year. It has since helped hundreds of new docs understand and circumvent challenges , saved them from losing money, made their process of buying more simple, and helped them make wise buying decisions to set them up for the future.

 Even with that guide in circulation, it definitely felt like we had the opportunity to do more to empower new docs with more financial education and expose them to what we knew about the power of owning real estate. We also had a crazy idea that if we could help new docs start to learn about getting financially free through real estate investment, we could actually make a big difference in the trajectory of their career satisfaction, wellness, and level of burnout. . . and ultimately effect the level of care patients receive and the health of entire communities.

Even then, that seemed like a HUGE idea for a small real estate team in the middle of Indiana.  The more research we did and more we got involved in the medical community on a local and national level, we found other likeminded individuals who believed in the power of financial freedom through real estate to reduce levels of Physician burnout.  It’s taken years of grassroots efforts and person to person contact, and hundreds of conversations about our vision to land us where we are today.  Today we informally partner with both major medical schools in the area to deliver education sessions to their students, we work with residency program leadership to support wellness and education efforts, we help new docs craft timelines of their first several years post med school and their path to financial freedom, and a ton of other small gestures that we hope move the needle.

We have seen the difference it makes when docs are not reliant on their clinical income to survive, are living in communities that are aligned with their lifestyle, and are able to practice from the HEART. When doctors are pouring from a full cup in the way they intended when they first decided to pursue medicine, they are happier, more fulfilled, and can have greater impact. We hope you’ll come along with us on this journey of learning how YOU can achieve financial freedom, freedom to choose, and freedom to practice on your terms through real estate investing in INDIANA.